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CIMPL (Call In Mortgage Protection Leads) are direct mail leads. These are brand new exclusive mortgage protection leads. New daily records are generated from new homeowners or refinanced mortgages. Retro data of generated mortgages is available for mailing as well. These records are acquired and mailed first class on a daily basis to ensure a rapid response rate. The mailer prompts the prospective client to call a provided phone number and insert a mortgage ID. Once the Mortgage ID is provided, the prospective clients information is auto-populated into a form that becomes a lead that is transferred to the agent. Prospective clients are also given the opportunity to press a number and be transferred to speak to the agent. Leads are delivered to agents via our lead management system.

Cost: $0.84 per record

Minimum Order: 500

*All lead purchases are final

Tips to convert sales:

Many high producing agents are finding success with direct mail MP leads via face to face and virtual sales. They understand how important lead volume is to their success. The best agents are investing $1500-$2000 a week in leads and are producing 5 to 8 times their investment. The common denominator for most high producers is appointment setting. As soon as they receive a lead they begin calling to set sales appointments for virtual sales (phone or zoom) or face to face sales. Creating a routine and following a sales script are keys to agents profitability.

What to expect:

First your order will be reviewed for availability. Once your request has been approved and processed, your credit card or bank account will be charged, and you will receive a detailed receipt of the order and payment.

Within a week of your order you'll also receive access to your leads from a google sheet sent from   [email protected].  If you do not see the email within one week, make sure to check your junk or spam folders before contacting us.  Access to this google sheet would be sent to the email that has been provided on the lead order form. Your google sheet will provide all the information from the lead including a PDF image of the digital lead card. 

Keep in Mind, Mail dates average 2-3 business days from approved order. Mail will be dropped daily with first class mail. Leads begin returning (Calling) 1-2 weeks from mail date – add an extra couple days for West Coast orders. The number of records that are mailed on a weekly basis are based on the availability of mortgage records in the area you selected never exceeding the cap amount provided.

(502) 915-8218

(502) 915-8219

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